
10th wedding anniversary – COVID-style
Birthdays, baby showers, wedding anniversaries…during the height of COVID, well we all had to adjust. This couple was opting to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary at home like the rest of us but still wanted to do something special. So they put on their wedding duds and had the kids dress up however they pleased. The result was just magic!

Wedding at Ousie’s Table
Had great opportunity to second shoot wedding at Ousie’s Table. Check out this happy couple! Wedding shot in collaboration with lead photographer Jacki Schaefer of Water Oak Studio.

Family session – shadow opportunity
I had the opportunity to shadow friend photographer, Water Oak Studio, during a family session over the summer. I took away some beautiful images and incredible tips!

Hold hands often – Engagement Session
I know this couple will remember to hold hands often! This is one of my favorite shots from their engagement session at Sam Houston Park. That’s St. John’s church in the background.

Rustic charm – Engagement Session
I love the rustic charm of this front porch. This was one of my first shots from this engagement session and I was so excited with how it turned out! If you don’t recognize this building, Old Place, you can find it at Sam Houston Park in downtown Houston.

Genuine smile – engagement session
Genuine smiles are like gold and capturing this laugh was akin to hitting the jackpot! Doesn’t she glow?!

Couples session in Woodlands, Texas
This couples session was shot in the Woodlands. We found a beautiful green space and then proceeded on to the Woodland’s Waterway. These two were hilarious and such fun to be around.